I’m loosing this one
I think
I don’t know
but everything I do is to sink.
my anger
seems to thrive
on my brain’s Almighty self destructive endeavor.
my angel!!
where are you, my Light?
my only hope for enduring this beautiful life
(fucking crying my heart out here..)
I can’t do it by myself
my demons are dealt in for me.
such a hard sell..
where are you MY SWEET POWERFUL GABRIEL??!?!
my glorious Archangel!
I promise I’ll call you ceaselessly
bend and purge all my hell
just for you to be endless fire in my rotten fleshy dwell.
Your height
I’m reaching it
Right NOW in MY HEART!
it burns
a forever moment.
and still I want out.
my furies won’t give up.
would/could you stay with me in this fight?
my Lord!
I’ve never been so far from your light..